Thursday, October 10, 2013

Time flies.

How can it already be the middle of October?! WHAT? No. Please, no!! 

September flew by way to fast and ever since school started back in August, I feel like I have been go, go, go. Non-stop. From nannying to school there is always something going on. I feel like a bad "blogger" for not having posted a whole lot and what's worse is that I can barely remember what happened in the last few weeks of September. Yikes.

But, anyways. October arrived and who knew that this would be the month of stress. Typically, fall is easy going. I have time to bake on weekends and sometimes week nights if I'm lucky. Lately, I have not been feeling that way. It must be something about your senior year that every little thing becomes stressful. Plus, I am not good with change. So, here I am. All of my transcript forms are due tomorrow morning at 8:05 am. It's crazy that tomorrow my hopefully (fingers crossed) future school will know who I am. It's a really weird thought if you ask me!

But, as I said...I'm always busy. So, I wanted to post a little something to my readers...that is if I have any anymore! My best friend surprised me by coming home early for fall break last night and my other best friend comes home tonight. So, I am logging off to go hear about college and enjoy my best friends while they are in my presence! 
